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Train play
Boy playing with train on floor

data analysis
ABC data analysis in ABA Parent training


Train play
Boy playing with train on floor
Lead Behaviour Therapist/BCBA for Pathway to Learning

Janine (Jenny) has been working as an ABA therapist since 2017, during her time she has gained experience with a variety of children ranging in ages from preschool to secondary school and verbal and nonverbal. She has gained experience with PECs, Early Start Denver Model, and early sound production and can carry out assessments such as the VB MAPP, Barriers to learning and functional assessments.
Jenny has a Psychology degree and a Masters degree in ABA from the University of Ulster. During her placement she volunteered at a mainstream Primary School and implemented ABA principles with a ten year old child with Autism. Her dissertation focused on increasing independent skills such as dressing, setting the table and making a snack using video modelling in the home setting.
During her internship with PTL which started in 2019 Jenny has had vast experience and exposure to toilet training, feeding programmes, behaviour support plans, a vast curriculum, token economies, differential reinforcement, PECS, communication training and play. She attends weekly supervision sessions and is always keen on upskilling and learning more in the field. Her special interests are PECS, NET, social skills, assessment and verbal behaviour/social communication.
Jenny achieved her Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA) certification in 2021. She is focused on working with individuals both verbal and nonverbal with a range of behaviours and likes to devote her time researching different areas within the field. She is devoted to her clients and often goes beyond her role as a Lead therapist/BCBA and dedicates so much of her time to researching, report writing and becoming a proficient and diligent Behaviour Analyst.
Jenny Mitchell, BSc, MSc, BCBA

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